After struggling with technical difficulties of handling coin sent-paid calls through telecom relay services (TRS), FCC released proposal Fri. that it said finally would enable persons with hearing or speech disabilities to make TRS calls on payphones. New rules would enable TRS user to pay no more than person making non-TRS calls, Commission said. Americans with Disabilities Act requires common carriers to provide people with disabilities with services that are “functionally equivalent” to those available to those without disabilities. Attempt several years ago to require such equivalency for calls made with coins from payphones resulted in multiple suspensions of requirement. New proposal requires that phone carriers: (1) Not charge TRS users for making relay calls from payphones that otherwise would be local. (2) Enable TRS users to use calling cards, collect or 3rd party billing for toll calls from payphones. Users would be charged whichever was lower -- coin phone rate or rate from those other payment methods. (3) Conduct consumer education programs for TRS users. With TRS, callers type their conversations on text telephones called TTYs. Those messages are sent to TRS centers where they are read and forwarded verbally to persons at receiving end of call.
Search Primer
Term list: Separate terms with spaces, not commas or semicolons.
Multi-word term: Place inside quotes to ensure an exact match (e.g. "China import").
Acronyms: Use all capital letters to ensure the search is not looking for that letter sequence instead.
Required term: If a term must be included in any resulting articles, prefix it with a plus sign (e.g., +CBP).
Excluded term: If a term should be excluded from any articles being found, prefix it with a minus sign (e.g., -ruling).
Singular form: Always use the singular form when doing multi-word terms (e.g. "russian export control" instead of "russian export controls").
Shortest word form: When you have different word forms in a quoted (multi-word) term, you want to only include the shortest version if it is the last part of the expression (e.g., "entity list" instead of "entity listing" or "entity listed").