Oct. 29 FCBA Intellectual Property Committee brown bag lunch on Internet Radio...
Oct. 29 FCBA Intellectual Property Committee brown bag lunch on Internet Radio Fairness Act, 12:15 p.m., Wilkinson Barker, 2300 N St. NW, Suite 7 -- http://xrl.us/bimfn6
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Oct. 29-Nov. 1 4G World 2012 conference, McCormick Place, Chicago -- http://xrl.us/bnj8hz
Oct. 30 FCBA New York Chapter event on mobile payments, 8 a.m., Google, 111 8th Ave. -- http://bit.ly/SO8PtO
*Oct. 30 Florida Public Safety Regional Planning committees meet, 9 a.m., Hilton Daytona Beach Conference Center, 100 N. Atlantic Ave. -- carlsonr@pbso.org
Oct. 30 FCC 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee maritime, air and radar informal work group meets, 9:30 a.m., Boeing, 1200 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. -- RSVP to lynn.r.green@boeing.com
Oct. 30 NATOA webinar on community broadband, 2 p.m., with other events on municipal telecom at 2 p.m. Nov. 5, Nov. 19 and Dec. 10 -- http://xrl.us/bkz58c
Oct. 30 Cable Europe event on Europe’s connectivity, 5 p.m., Sofitel Brussels -- RSVP to jessica.fernandez@cable-europe.eu
*Nov. 1 USTelecom webinar on Internet peering, 2:30 p.m. -- http://bit.ly/XtNAiF
*Nov. 1 FCBA Mass Media and Video committees CLE on ad law for electronic media, 6 p.m., Drinker Biddle, 1500 K St. NW -- http://bit.ly/SmQbbQ
Nov. 1-2 International Wireless Power Summit, Hotel Palomar, Dallas -- http://xrl.us/bnos4t
*Nov. 2 Columbia University symposium with U.S. Copyright Office on reforming Copyright Act Section 108, Columbia Law School, 435 W. 116th St., New York, Greene Hall, lobby-level room 104 -- http://bit.ly/PV9s5V
Nov. 2 FCC Consumer Advisory Committee meets, 9 a.m., Commission Meeting Room -- www.fcc.gov/live
Nov. 5 Practising Law Institute “talk like a geek” webcast, 9 a.m. -- http://xrl.us/bnudjr
Nov. 5 FCBA International Telecom Committee brown bag lunch with Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative Jonathan McHale, 12:15 p.m., Latham & Watkins, 555 11th St. NW, 10th floor -- http://xrl.us/bimfn6
*Nov. 5 President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee teleconference, 2 p.m. -- RSVP to deirdre.gallopanderson@hq.dhs.gov
Nov. 5-6 Forum on advanced wireless, Davis Wright, Suite 2200, 1201 Third Ave, Seattle -- DanWaggoner@dwt.com
Nov. 6-8 Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Standards time and sync in telecom conference, Le Meridien Hotel, Nice, France -- http://xrl.us/bnudh9
Nov. 7-9 Open Mobile Summit, InterContinental San Francisco hotel -- http://bit.ly/Uyi2FW
Nov. 8 Tennessee Public Safety Regional Planning Committee meets, 9:30 a.m., RutherfordCounty Emergency Management Agency, 1220 W. College St., Murfreesboro -- publicsafetyradio@mail.com
Nov. 8 Wiley Rein briefing on election results’ impact on communications, other areas, 10 a.m., Wiley’s Conference Center, 1776 K St. NW -- http://xrl.us/bntevh
Nov. 8 FCBA charity auction, 7 p.m. Capital Hilton -- kerry@fcba.org
Nov. 8-9 Cloud Computing West, Santa Monica (Calif.) Hilton -- http://xrl.us/bnda7r
*Nov. 9 George Mason University Mercatus Center event on broadband and FCC, 10 a.m., Reserve Officers Association, Ballroom A, 1 Constitution Ave. NE -- http://bit.ly/S0vkbC
*Nov. 9 FCC Emergency Access Advisory Committee meets, 10:30 a.m., Commission Meeting Room
Nov. 11-14 NARUC meeting, Baltimore Hilton -- http://xrl.us/bnos8p
Nov. 13 Silicon Flatirons conference on spectrum policy, 1 p.m., Pew Research Center, 1615 L St. NW, Suite 700 -- http://xrl.us/bnos89
Nov. 13 Future of Music Coalition conference, New America Foundation, 1899 L St. NW, Suite 400 -- http://xrl.us/bnteu9
*Nov. 13 Southern Lake Michigan Public Safety Regional Planning committees meet, 1 p.m., Grundy County Emergency Management Agency, 1320 Union St., Morris, Ill. -- ckspire@grundy911.org
*Nov. 14 Illinois Public Safety Regional Planning committees meet, 10 a.m., Illinois State Police Central hq, 1st floor conference room, 801 S. 7th St., Springfield -- gary.cochran@isp.state.il.us
*Nov. 14 Association of Federal Communications Consulting Engineers luncheon on RF compliance, 12:30 p.m., Holiday Inn, 1900 N. Fort Myer Dr., Arlington, Va., and annual AFCCE/FCC reception, 4 p.m., Phillips restaurant, 900 Water St. SW, Washington -- http://bit.ly/P8t3ht
Nov. 14 Media Institute banquet with keynote speech by FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, Fairmont Hotel, 7:15 p.m. -- http://xrl.us/bnpsip
Nov. 15 FCBA Wireline Committee event on FCC USF order a year later, 6 p.m., Davis Wright, 1919 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 800 -- http://bit.ly/Or0b3P
*Nov. 15 USTelecom conference on transition to all-Internet Protocol networks, 607 14th St. NW, Suite 400 -- http://bit.ly/Y3tYkP
*Nov. 15-16 U.S. Copyright Office hearings on small copyright claim issues, Columbia Law School, Greene Annex, 410 W. 117th St., New York -- http://bit.ly/U1RmLa
Nov. 15-16 Practising Law Institute communications law webinar -- http://xrl.us/bnudog
Nov. 16 FCBA New England Chapter brown bag luncheon with Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, noon at the authority, 10 Franklin Sq., New Britain -- http://bit.ly/SU0Qac
Nov. 20 Broadband Breakfast Club event on USF reform, 8:30 a.m., Clyde’s, 707 7th St. NW -- http://xrl.us/bnk47x
*Nov. 26-27 U.S. Copyright Office hearings on small copyright claim issues, UCLA law school, room 1314, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles -- http://bit.ly/U1RmLa
*Nov. 28-30 American Legislative Exchange Council states and nation policy event, Grand Hyatt Washington -- http://bit.ly/TKn7Ij
Nov. 29 Application Developers Alliance entertainment apps conference, Sheraton Universal, Los Angeles -- http://xrl.us/bnrnye
Nov. 29 FTC forum on cross-border codes of conduct, such as for privacy, FTC Satellite Building Conference Center, 601 New Jersey Ave. NW, no start time available -- http://xrl.us/bnu23j
Nov. 29-30 International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers conference, Mercure Windsor Castle Hotel, Windsor, U.K. -- http://xrl.us/bnu24z
Nov. 30 FCC meeting, 10:30 a.m., Commission Meeting Room -- http://xrl.us/bnrn2i
Nov. 30 Rainbow/Push telecom conference, Capitol Hilton -- RSVP to ssmith@rainbowpush.org
* Item is new or revised since last week.