Feb. 26-March 1 National Religious Broadcasters convention, with House...
Feb. 26-March 1 National Religious Broadcasters convention, with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center, Nashville -- www.nrbconvention.org
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Feb. 27-March 1 Interactive Advertising Bureau leadership meeting, La Quinta Resort, La Quinta, Calif. -- shira@iab.net
Feb. 28 NATOA webinar on future of public access channels, 2 p.m. -- www.natoa.org
Feb. 28-March 1 PLI seminar on broadband and cable law, PLI California Center, 685 Market St., San Francisco, and webcast -- www.pli.edu
Feb. 28-March 2 NAB state leadership conference, with FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell and Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., both Tuesday, Hyatt Regency, 400 New Jersey Ave., NW, Washington -- http://xrl.us/bijyo7
March 1 Webinar on FCC’s USF, ICC proposals, sponsored by OPASTCO, NECA, NTCA, WTA and Rural Alliance, 2 p.m. -- dlowe@ntca.org
March 1 TechFreedom briefing on FCC net neutrality order, 3 p.m., Reserve Officers Association, 1 Constitution Ave. NE, Washington -- 202-455-8186
March 1-2 Institute for Policy Innovation reception on March 1, summit on March 2, reception at Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, and summit at 1 Constitution Ave. NE, 5th floor -- 972-874-5139
March 2 FCC Commissioner Meredith Baker and Ambassador Philip Verveer speak at Institute for Policy Innovation communications summit, 9 a.m., Reserve Officers Association, 1 Constitution Ave. NE, Washington -- erin@ipi.org
March 2 National Broadband Plan forum by Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies, 9 a.m., National Press Club, Washington -- nbp@jointcenter.org
March 2 FCC General Counsel Austin Schlick speaks at FCBA Judicial Committee brown bag, 12:15 p.m., Jenner & Block, 1099 New York Ave. NW, Washington -- kerry@fcba.org
March 2-3 ITU networked car symposium, Palexpo, Geneva -- toby.johnson@itu.int
March 3 FCC meeting, 10:00 a.m., Commission Meeting Room -- www.fcc.gov
March 3 FCBA brown bag on international transactions and FCC, 12:15 p.m., Wiley Rein, 1750 K St., NW, Washington -- mark.brennan@hoganlovells.com
March 7 Optical Society executive forum, Los Angeles Convention Center -- www.osa.org
March 7 FCBA International and Wireless committees panel on European spectrum issues, noon, Hogan Lovells, 555 13th St. NW, Washington -- kerry@fcba.org
March 8 FCC WRC-12 Advisory Committee meeting, 11 a.m., Room TW-C305, FCC headquarters -- www.fcc.gov/ib/wrc-12
March 8 New England 700 MHz Public Safety Regional Planning Committee, 10 a.m., Connecticut Fire Academy, Windsor Locks -- www.ner700mhz.org
March 9 FCBA Broadband Committee CLE on Broadband Plan One Year Later, 2 p.m., Arnold & Porter, 555 12th St. NW, Washington -- kerry@fcba.org
March 10 FCC forum on revising Commission’s Registration System (CORES), 10 a.m., Room TW-C305, FCC headquarters
March 10 RTDNF First Amendment Awards Dinner, 6:30 p.m., Ritz-Carlton, Washington -- jenwafalosky@sbcglobal.net
March 11 Media Access Project panel on repacking and incentive auctions for TV band, 10 a.m., Dickstein Shapiro, 1825 I St. NW, Washington -- mappingchange@mediaaccess.org
March 14 FCC Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council meeting, 9 a.m., FCC Commission Meeting Room -- 202-418-1096
March 14 FCBA speaker series featuring 9th Circuit Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, 6 p.m., Davis Wright, 1919 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington -- kerry@fcba.org
March 14 NATOA webinar on FCC and the Hill, 2 p.m. -- www.natoa.org
March 15 FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell speaks at Catholic University Communications Symposium, 9 a.m., Wiley Rein, 1776 K St. NW, Washington -- http://commlaw.cua.edu
March 15 FCC Emergency Response Interoperability Advisory Committee meeting, 10 a.m., Room TW-C305, FCC headquarters -- 202-418-0492
March 16 FCBA privacy and data security symposium, Arnold & Porter, 555 12th St. NW, Washington -- strigg@lermansenter.com
March 16 Fiber-to-the-Home Council best practices workshop, Gaylord Opryland Resort, Nashville -- www.ftthcouncil.org
March 20-22 Comptel spring convention, Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas -- www.comptelplus.org/registration
March 22-23 ATIS Tomorrow’s Networks Summit, co-located with CTIA convention, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando -- www.atis.org
March 22-24 CTIA convention, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Fla. -- www.ctia.org
March 22-24 IP&TV World Forum, Olympia Center, London -- www.iptv-forum.com
March 23 D.C. Bar panel on transition to IPv6, 12:15 p.m., Dow Lohnes, 1225 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington -- 202-626-3463
March 28 NATOA webinar on net neutrality, 2 p.m. -- www.natoa.org
March 28 Launch of Women’s Special Interest Group of D.C. Telecom Society, 6:30 p.m., Fairmont Hotel, Washington -- programs@ntgts.org
March 29 9-1-1 Goes to Washington and Honors Gala, with speech by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, Reagan Center, Washington -- 202-292-4603
March 29-30 Eurasia Com conference and exhibition, Istanbul -- http://xrl.us/bijypo
March 31 House Homeland Security Subcommittee hearing on cybersecurity, 2 p.m., Room H-140, Capitol, 202-225-5834
April 1 FCC workshop on environmental assessment of its Antenna Structure Registration program, 9:30 a.m., Commission Meeting Room -- 202-418-7146
April 5 MPAA symposium on business of show business, Library of Congress -- kate_spence@mpaa.org
April 6-7 Wireless Communications Association spring summit, Hilton Crystal City, Arlington, Va. -- www.wcai.com
April 7 FCC meeting, 10:30 a.m., Commission Meeting Room -- www.fcc.gov
April 8-10 Free Press conference on media reform, Seaport World Trade Center, Boston -- http://conference.freepress.net
April 11 NATOA webinar on driving broadband adoption, 2 p.m. -- www.natoa.org
April 11-13 American Cable Association summit, with FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, Hyatt Regency, Capitol Hill, Washington -- www.americancable.org