APHIS Issues Final Rule on Importation of Bees and Related Articles
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has issued a final rule, effective November 22, 2004, amending its regulations at 7 CFR Parts 319 and 322 on the importation of honeybees, honeybee semen, bees other than honeybees, certain beekeeping byproducts, and used beekeeping equipment.
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According to APHIS, this final rule newly allows honeybees from Australia, and honeybees and honeybee germ plasm from New Zealand, to be imported into the continental United States, under certain conditions.
This final rule also newly imposes certain conditions on the importation into the U.S. of bees and related articles from Canada. (Previously, APHIS had allowed the unrestricted importation into the U.S. of honeybees and honeybee semen from Canada.)
In addition, this final rule prohibits both the interstate movement and importation of honeybees into Hawaii.
And lastly, this final rule consolidates at 7 CFR Part 322 (in Subparts A -E) all of APHIS' regulations concerning all bees in the superfamily Apoidea.
Highlights of Bee Final Rule
The following are highlights of APHIS final rule (partial list):
General prohibition on interstate movement of honeybees (only Hawaii). The interstate movement of honeybees into Hawaii is prohibited by Subpart A of this final rule, as Hawaii is considered a pest-free area for certain mites, beetles, and African honeybees. (There are also other restrictions on Hawaii with respect to importations, see below.).
General prohibition on certain importations. Subpart A of this final rule also prohibits the importation into the U.S. of pollen derived from bee colonies and intended for use a bee feed, used beekeeping equipment (unless certain conditions are met), etc.
Importation of adult honeybees (only Australia, Canada, New Zealand). Pursuant to Subpart B, the only regions approved for the importation of adult honeybees into the continental U.S. (not including Hawaii), under specified conditions, are Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
Importation of bees other than honeybees (only Canada). In addition, Subpart B only approves the region of Canada for the importation of bees other than honeybees into the continental U.S. (not including Hawaii), under specified conditions.
Importation of honeybee germ plasm (only seven regions). Honeybee germ plasm may be imported into the U.S., pursuant to Subpart B and under specified conditions, from the approved regions of Australia, Bermuda, Canada, France, Great Britain, New Zealand and Sweden only.
Requirements for Subpart B imports. APHIS' final rule also imposes certain requirements at Subpart B on the importation of adult honeybees, honeybee germ plasm, and bees other than honeybees, variously, from the eligible regions. These import requirements include (partial list):
Export Certificate. Each shipment of bees and honeybee germ plasm arriving in the U.S. from an approved region must be accompanied by an export certificate issued by the appropriate regulatory agency of the national government of the exporting region.
Notice of arrival. At least 10 business days prior to the arrival in the U.S. of any shipment of bees or honeybee germ plasm imported into the U.S. under Subpart B, APHIS must be notified of the shipment's impending arrival. This notice of arrival must contain certain specified information.
Inspection and refusal of entry. Shipments of honeybees, honeybee germ plasm, and bees other than honeybees imported into the U.S. under Subpart B will be inspected at the port of entry in the U.S. for proper documentation, timely notice of arrival, and adequate packaging. If, upon inspection, any shipment fails to meet the requirements of 7 CFR Part 32, that shipment will be refused entry into the U.S.
Imports must go through port of entry staffed by APHIS inspector. Shipments of honeybees, honeybee germ plasm, and bees other than honeybees imported under Subpart B may enter the U.S. only at a port of entry staffed by an APHIS inspector. To find out if a specific port is staffed by an APHIS inspector, or for a list of ports staffed by APHIS inspectors, call toll-free (877) 770-5990.
Importations from all other regions restricted. For the importation into the U.S. of adult honeybees, honeybee germ plasm, or bees other than honeybees, from regions not eligible under Subpart B, the final rule's Subpart C "Importation of Restricted Organisms" applies, which only allows importation into the U.S. by Federal, State or university researchers, for research or experimental purposes, in accordance with Subpart C.
(APHIS' final rule also contains regulations and requirements on general provisions for bees, beekeeping byproducts, and beekeeping equipment, packaging of shipments, transit of restricted organisms through the U.S., as well as the importation and transit of restricted articles, etc.)
APHIS Contact - Wayne Wehling (301) 734-8757
APHIS' proposed version of this final rule (D/N 98-109-1, FR Pub 08/19/02) available at http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=2002_register&docid=02-20941-filed.pdf
APHIS' final rule (D/N 98-109-2, FR Pub 10/21/04) available athttp://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/06jun20041800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2004/pdf/04-23416.pdf