CPSC Initiates Two Pilot Programs to Open Certain CPSC Staff Activities to Public Review, Etc
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has issued a notice announcing that it is launching two pilot programs that will open CPSC staff activities for public review and comment. The CPSC has launched these programs in an effort to increase the transparency and openness of CPSC staff voluntary standards activities and CPSC staff and CPSC-sponsored research.
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CPSC explains that these pilot programs commenced on October 18, 2004 and will run through April 18, 2005, after which the CPSC will evaluate the pilots and consider expanding them. The pilot programs are as follows:
Pilot Program 1 - Voluntary Standards Activities
In the first pilot program, the CPSC will begin posting notice of CPSC staff activities and recommendations concerning voluntary standards development on its Web site. At present, CPSC staff are involved in over 60 consumer product voluntary standards development activities.
Eight activities selected for pilot program. For purposes of this pilot, CPSC has selected the following eight activities to evaluate this system of sharing CPSC staff information with the public for review and comment: (1) smoke alarms, (2) arc fault circuit interrupters, (3) ground fault circuit interrupters, (4) pool and spa safety vacuum release systems, (5) bunk beds, (6) gasoline containers for child resistance, (7) portable generators (within the engine driven tools project), and (8) garage door and gate operators.
Five day comment period for proposed CPSC recommendations. Information (e.g. fact sheets, safety alerts, meeting notices, letters with staff recommendations, etc.) for each of these selected activities can be accessed at www.cpsc.gov/volstd/standards.html. CPSC adds that during the pilot, CPSC staff will post proposed staff recommendations for the selected voluntary standards areas for five working days and interested parties will be able to forward comments to CPSC staff through this web area.
(CPSC notes that this pilot addresses only information pertaining directly to CPSC staff involvement in voluntary standards activities and is not intended to create a complete repository for all voluntary standards activities information. Each voluntary standards organization is responsible for maintaining such comprehensive information.)
Pilot Program 2 - Research Reports Technical Review
The CPSC conducts many research and study projects in furtherance of its activities to improve product safety and eliminate potential hazards associated with consumer products. The CPSC explains that the Research Reports Technical Review pilot program will give interested persons the opportunity to review and provide timely technical comments on CPSC staff and CPSC-sponsored research reports prior to their finalization.
Draft staff and contractor reports selected for pilot. The CPSC has selected the following draft staff reports to initiate this pilot: (1) Detection of Abnormal Operating Conditions in Electric Clothes Dryers, (2) A Review of the Sound Effectiveness of Residential Smoke Alarms, (3) An Evaluation of Finger Injuries Associated with Home Document (Paper) Shredder Machines, and (4) Fire Indicators Project Report. In addition, the CPSC is including one final contractor report, namely: Final Report on Development and Manufacturing Assessment of the Concentric-Ring Smooth-Top Range Sensor.
45 day comment period for research reports. These research reports will be located on the CPSC Web site at www.cpsc.gov/volstd/research/research.html. According to the CPSC, comments will be accepted until December 2, 2004. In addition, other research reports may be posted to the Web site during the pilot, and in such cases, the CPSC will allow 45 days for public comment.
-in addition to the above-listed comment deadlines, general comments on whether to continue these programs beyond the pilot period and any suggestions for improving the programs must be received by May 18, 2005.
CPSC Contacts -
Hugh McLaurin (specific information on activities/reports in pilots) (301) 504-7531
Lowell Martin (general information) (301) 504-7628
CPSC Notice (FR Pub 10/18/04) available athttp://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/06jun20041800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2004/pdf/04-23197.pdf